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Showing our appreciation for the NHS

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Showing our appreciation for the NHS

There have been calls to end Clap For Carers this evening, marking the NHS's 72nd birthday. It doesn't mean that our collective appreciation ends though.

This week we were asked if we could help out with the supply of hundreds of boxes for packing and shipping PPE for the NHS. Of course we said we'd love to help, and our donation will be arriving today.

It's a timely reminder that the work of healthcare professionals never stops and hopefully even relatively small gestures of appreciation can go a long way.

The request was for used boxes that could then be recycled, showing that once-used cardboard boxes are useful for many sectors and applications, and that huge organisations are looking towards the most environmentally friendly options even at a time when anything would do: a great sign of things to come.

So in our own way we were able to show our appreciation for the NHS this week, and feel proud that we have the capacity to help. Thank you, NHS!

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